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Fun App for Kids Exploring The Space

Fun App for Kids Exploring The Space post image

Grandpa in Space is a fun learning app about space for kids from preschool to early elementary. It takes kids explore the space and visit the planets. There are learning games built in the space exploration process, so kids also get the chance to use their math and English language skills to solve the problems they face in their journeys in the space. Fun app for kids about space

When kids start the app, they are asked to choose a destination among the planets Mars, Jupiter, Venus, … Once kids pick a destination, they will see some basic facts about it. For Jupiter, they learn the class is gas giant; the makeup is stormy gases and clouds with rocky core; there are 67 moons around Jupiter.

Before the journey begins, kids are asked to build the spaceship by choosing the right piece to fit into the puzzle. While flying the spaceship, there will be some challenges for kids. For example, grandpa tells kids he sees some asteroids and kids need count by 10 to blast the asteroids. Just when kids finish with the asteroids, they find the satellite is broken, and they have to replace the broken pieces with new ones.

Throughout the app, there are 10 games. Parents can pick which games their kids can play based on their skill and knowledge level:

1. Build a Rocket: Choose from sleek and shiny or totally silly rocket parts to put the rocket together.
2. Alien Addition: Can you add up those wiggly alien legs?
3. Asteroid Blaster: Count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, or 10’s to blast the asteroids!
4. Clean up the Ship: The ship is filled with floating debris! Put it in the right bins: waste, wire, or tool.
5. Sort by Height: Can you line up the aliens, towers, and rockets by height?
6. Fix the Satellite: Oops, an asteroid damaged the satellite; can you fix all the parts?
7. Rhyme Race: Help the aliens win the UFO race by rhyming the words!
8. Opposites: Send each alien to the right home by matching up the opposites!
9. Memory Match: Use sound clues to help find matching aliens behind the planets!
10. Shape Lander: Can you land UFO on the trapezoid landing pad?

When the spaceship arrives at the Jupiter, kids will be able to watch a short video about Jupiter with more information. There are 9 narrated educational planet videos with photos and footage from NASA and 9 narrated “astronaut training videos” with real footage from NASA.

What will kids learn playing with Grandpa in Space?

+ Extensive solar system information, including 36 planet facts and contextual information about space travel.
+ 18 key words for rhyming.
+ Count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s.
+ 20 pairs of advanced opposites, such as “strong-weak”.
+ Addition facts through 12.
+ Sorting and categorization.
+ Advanced shapes: octagon, rhombus, trapezoid, square, rectangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon, crescent, oval.
+ Memory: reveal aliens behind planets and match each pair from memory
+ Planning and coordination: use jet propulsion to accurately land UFO’s
+ Extensive space vocabulary, including sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroid, comet, solar system, satellite, moon, crew, helmet, radio, gravity, meteor, axis, galaxy, planet, universe, nebula.

Grandpa in Space is available on iPhone, iPod and iPad. It is $1.99 on App Store.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
Grandpa in Space

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