Why coding camp for kids? In today’s world, almost everything we do is connected with computers. Shopping, cooking, banking, … Computer literacy is essential for modern life. It is important for everyone to have basic understanding of how computer works, even if you are not planning to be a computer engineer. One big part of understanding computers is to understand how we communicate with computers. Computer coding or programming is basically the language we use to communicate with computers. Since… Read more

We tried several Egg Drop Project design ideas, each with a different material limitation, some limited materials with straws, and some limited to paper. Today’s Egg Drop Project design challenge is another idea we came up with while doing a different paper project. So this is our 2nd idea on paper only Egg Drop Project design. Compared to the last paper only Egg Drop Project design, this one should sustain a stronger impact and greater drop height. Why We Like… Read more

Growing bean sprouts is an easy and fun activity to do with kids. Because it requires daily watering and observation, it teaches kids plant science as well as cultivating good characters, such as responsibilities, patience, and persistence. Additionally, it provides delicious and nutritious food on the dinner table. I highly recommend growing bean sprouts with kids as a family activity. Since you do it indoors at home, you can do it any time of the year. I have tried mung… Read more

Spatial reasoning skills, which are critical higher-order thinking skills, come to attention for their role in STEM career success in recent years. What are spatial reasoning skills? Why are they important for science and technology careers? Are spatial reasoning skills trainable? If yes, how can we improve our children’s spatial reasoning skills? Spatial Reasoning Skills Introduction Spatial reasoning is the ability to think about and manipulate objects in three dimensions. Spatial thinking allows you to understand the location and dimension… Read more

Computer coding involves many different knowledge and skills. Have you ever tried color mixing with coding with kids? On computers, a very common color coding system is the RGB color model. According to wikipedia, “the RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green… Read more

Egg painting with vinegar? This is the most fun way of decorating hard-boiled eggs with kids. A great STEAM project for science class too. It is a fun science craft activity combining science and art, and it started with an art app we were using to learn drawing. If you are STEM teacher, this is an ideal STEAM (Science Tech Engineer Art Math) project for kids. It is very easy. All you need are crayons and vinegar, and of course… Read more

Do you get a lot of snow in winter? We usually get a good size of snow several times each winter. I like to encourage kids to go out even when it is cold. I also like science and STEM learning activities. So I collected many interesting snow science experiment ideas and I hope you will like them too. Since we are all busy, so I make sure all experiments are easy with minimal preparation needed. For those who don’t… Read more

There are many good physics games on mobile devices, but some games have content that is not appropriate for kids, since most of these games are not designed for kids. In the meantime, there are many games that are safe for kids to play, and kids will learn a lot through these games. It takes time to find good physics games safe for kids to play. I went through many of these games and put together a list of physics… Read more

Many kids like sports, like soccer, basketball, swimming, track, biking, … With the Olympics in two months, I did a search on sports science activities and experiments for kids. I found a lot of cool ideas. I am sharing some that can be done at home. Hope you like them just like I do. Fun Sports Science Activities for Kids We try to include science for different sports and hope one of them will fit your child’s interest. All kids… Read more

We have introduced two sets of fun science YouTube Channels for kids, one is for hands-on science experiments you can do at home, one is cool science ideas and experiments that will intrigue more curiosities. Today we share some cool math YouTube channels for kids. Today’s list is for school age kids. If you have a preschoolers, you may want to check out the list of Math YouTube Channels for Preschool Children. 9 Math YouTube Channels for school age Kids… Read more

YouTube has become a good source of educational materials. If you like watching science videos, you will love these YouTube channels of amazing science videos for kids. We shared 6 YouTube Channels for Hands-on Science Experiments You Can Do at Home. Today we share YouTube channels of fun science facts, explanations, and news. 15 YouTube Science Video Channels Explaining Science for Kids Bill Nye: although the channel has not been updated for a couple of years, the content already there is… Read more

Nature is the best classroom. There are so much we can learn just being outside in the nature. I am always excited by the idea that we have so many apps that can help us learn while we are out that we don’t have to carry those thick books with us. We recently shared 10 bird identification apps. We also have 10 apps about bugs for kids. Today we share plant identification apps. Plant Identification Apps Leaf Snap: a free… Read more

Ordered pairs and the coordinate plane is an important foundation for so many higher-level math studies. It lays the groundwork for many topics in geometry and algebra, such as the Pythagorean theorem, the distance between two points, and slopes of linear functions. It also helps kids understand the coding game we designed. It is a math area that seems easy but takes practice to be good at. This LEGO movie coordinate plane game gives kids a hands-on opportunity to practice… Read more

I have introduced several apps teaching kids computer language and coding, including some free apps. Each app has pros and cons, and each app has its target users. Today I have another free coding app teaching kids coding. It is called Daisy the Dinosaur. It is designed by the same developer of Hopscotch, which is also a free app teaching kids coding. What are the differences between Daisy the Dinosaur and Hopscotch? First they both are very intuitive to use… Read more

Do you like birds? I do. I love to listen to birds singing and watch them fly or play around in the park or in the backyard. They add colors and music to our life. They make wherever they are a better place to live. They are so many things we can learn about birds, here are apps and websites for bird identification. Most are for North America, some also have information for the UK. With them, you can identify… Read more
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