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9 Fun Math YouTube Channels for School Age Kids

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We have introduced two sets of fun science YouTube Channels for kids, one is for hands-on science experiments you can do at home, one is cool science ideas and experiments that will intrigue more curiosities. Today we share some cool math YouTube channels for kids. Today’s list is for school age kids. If you have a preschoolers, you may want to check out the list of Math YouTube Channels for Preschool Children.

9 Math YouTube Channels for school age Kids

Best math YouTube channels for elementary students to learn math at home. Free online math resources for math games and math activities for math class, math center, homeschool, math homework help

Khan Academy is not math specific, but they have a lot math tutorial videos. You can pick the math topics you want to learn among their many playlists, such as pre-algebra or geometry, and follow the playlist to finish learning the topic.

Math Antics is a great site for school age kids. They explain math concepts that kids are learning at school, but with more visuals. Maybe this is just what your child need to fully understand a concept.

Math TV is a math channel for school age kids. Most of their videos are for older kids. I like how they base they videos on what kids learn at school, yet go beyond what they are taught at school, challenge kids to think more.

Video Math Tutor has many math tutor videos for kids. However the part I like the most is the brain teaser playlist.

Mathademics is another channel of math tutoring videos. You will find topics like integer, addition, subtraction, working with fractions.

Simon Deacon covers many math topics for middle school and high school. Looking through his playlist, you will find math talks about addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, SAT, SATS, GCSE.

Math Teacher Institute has several blow your mind math videos that are very interesting and definitely worth a visit.

Vi Hart talks fast! You don’t have to understand everything she says, but with the fun doodle, you can get the idea what she is trying to say, and she always has fascinating math orientated ideas and questions. It is a good place to visit for math fun. Can you imagining how many thoughts she has about stars?

Numberphile is just a fun channel and all videos are number related, pi, prime number, Rubik Cube. It is a great extension beyond classroom math. Kids of any age who like number will like it.

Do you have a favorite math YouTube channel for kids?

9 math YouTube channels for school-age kids to learn math, and to be fascinated by math thinking and ideas. Great STEM resource for math class, math tutor, math homework help, or homeschool math teaching.

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{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Alison

    Math Mammoth is also has great instructional videos on YouTube.

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