No matter what time of the year, there are always moments that you have to stay home, and try to find things to do with kids. We’ve shared many fun activities for kids on iGameMom STEM, but many times you just need some inspiration on ideas, and sometimes, need help figuring out how to do those fun experiments. Good movies for kids and educational videos to the rescue! Today we share YouTube channels that have cool science experiment videos for kids. We particularly picked those with videos showing how to do some simple and amazing experiments with materials you can find at home and are reasonably safe to perform at home environments, so you can actually follow the instructions and see the results first hand.
Cool Science Experiment videos for Kids on YouTube

Sick Science is one of the first that led us to YouTube. There are many cool science experiments for kids. Most are easy experiments and activities you can do at home.
Incredible Science has a lot fun science videos, there are videos just explain science phenomena to kids, but a large section is home science experiments.
Crazy Russian Hacker is simply amazing. He’s got so many unexpected ideas and experiments, from opening a can without a can opener, to how to cut watermelon. Do you want to know what is going to happen if you boil Coke?
Doctor Mad Science is hosted by an 12 year old boy with autism named Jordan. Jordan does all the experiments, and all the experiments are easy and simple that you can do at home.
Hoopla Kidz Lab has a lot videos explaining about science, and there is a section of science experiments to encourage hands-on science learning at home.
Coconut Science Lab has many science videos about space and spaceship. One section is DIY science that kids can do at home.
Brusspup: tons of amazing science experiments about illusions. One of my favorites is the one with several paper tricks.
MC Experiments has many simple science for you to do in your kitchen that are safe for young children to perform.
The Quirkles has many seasonal science activity ideas for kids. It is a great place to visit during holiday breaks.
Enjoy and make sure to do some of the experiments after watching the videos.
Looking for more science activities you can do at home? Check out 500+ Science Activities for Each Month of the Year.
For more fun science videos, visit 15 YouTube Science Channels for Kids. Unlike the channels listed above, these videos show many activities that are not safe to perform at home, but absolutely cool to watch.
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