Today’s “Best Educational Apps for Kids” list is Best Science apps for elementary school kids. I did not include those animal related apps, as there will be a separate list of “Best Educational Apps for Kids” on “Nature and Animals”. If you know any good science apps for kids age 6 to 10, please leave the app name in a comment. I will update the list periodically. Best Science Apps for Elementary School Kids Bobo Explores Light: A very well designed science app with… Read more

Solar Walk is an information-packed interactive model of the Solar system and the Milky Way galaxy. It is developed by VITO Technology, who created Star Walk and Geo Walk. It is now FREE, for limited time, on App Store. Featured by Apple as Best Apps for both 2010 and 2011, Solar Walk is a great tool to learn astronomy. To learn more about this app, please visit iGameMom’s earlier post. If you would like to check it out or purchase… Read more

Solar Walk is an astronomy app from the developer of Star Walk. Instead of exploring the night sky, with this app, you get to tour the solar system. While travelling through the solar system with your finger, you can tap on any planet you are interested in. This will take you close to it, and you can spin the planet to get a view from any angle. You can select a particular date and time to get a view of… Read more
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