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Explore Solar System on iPad: Solar Walk – 3D Solar System Model


Solar Walk is an astronomy app from the developer of Star Walk. Instead of exploring the night sky, with this app, you get to tour the solar system.

While travelling through the solar system with your finger, you can tap on any planet you are interested in.  This will take you close to it, and you can spin the planet to get a view from any angle. You can select a particular date and time to get a view of the planet in the past or in the future, and it will show the location and orientation of the planet at the specified time.  It also provides information of each planet, such as size, gravity, and composition.
Explore Solar System on iPad

There is a 3D mode that allows you to explore the solar system in 3D.  You can even connect the app to your TV to see the 3D effect on the big screen.  Although they say it requires an Apple TV, other people had connected to regular HD TV.  I did not try the 3D mode, so I am not sure about this.  You do need a pair of cyan-red 3D glasses for the 3D mode.

Main Features from the App Store:
• GALAXY view – absolutely magical zoom out to view the whole galaxy option.
• TIME MACHINE – set any date you want including even minutes and take a travel through space and time.
• MOVIES – explanatory movie collection about the Earth’s phenomena.
• SATELLITES – real-time trajectories of the most interesting artificial Earth’s satellites.
• LOCATIONS – arrow will show your current position on the globe, plus names of the biggest cities of the Earth, as well as sights of the Moon, Mars and Venus.
• INFO about all planets – general info, its name, its mass, radius, distance to the sun, internal structure with the picture and science missions.
• MOONS of DIFFERENT PLANETS: select a planet like Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars or Urano and observe how many moons they have and their track around the planet. Select one of the moons and learn.
• MIRRORING – wirelessly mirror the screen to an Apple TV 2.
• No Internet connection required.

iGameMom Comments:

This is a great educational app that explores the solar system.  With detailed images and just enough information, it is a good learning tool for kids or adults.

It works on iPhone, iPad, and iPod.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store button provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The button works for all countries.
Solar Walk - 3D Solar System model

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For more science apps for kids, check out Best Science Apps for Elementary School Kids

{ 20 comments… add one }
  • Sofia

    Thank you so much for following my blog =) Loveeee you blog! I always confuse of what apps to buy because there are so many of them! And your posts really help me to choose and buy what I need.

    Will buy this app for my son =) He loves solar system 😉 Thank you!

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. I am glad you find an app for your son. Hope he will like Solar Walk!

  • Leanne

    Just downloaded…looking forward to using it. Thanks Leanne

  • Dawn

    I’ve been downloading so many apps since I found your site… this is the latest for us, since my little man’s interested in space all of a sudden… love your site – thanks for all the info!

    • iGameMom

      I am so happy that someone has used the information on this site! Thanks for letting me know!

  • Fay

    Am I right in thinking if I buy apps now I can transfer them to other apple devices? Love this one perfect as my son recently did this stuff at school. So glad your blog is here. Not read my iPad instruction manual yet lol

    • iGameMom

      Yes, once you download an app, you can load it on a different device. All you have to do is to login as you on the new device.

  • Debbie / Daqa

    Thank you for visiting my blog! I like your blog 🙂
    Although I work in IT, I don’t use Apps and don’t have an Ipad or Iphone – yet. I do have a little boy of 15 months who is very interested in our computer, laptop and phone (well which kid isn’t interested in electronic devices) so probably in a while he’ll gets his own tablet/laptop so he’ll leave ours alone! I expect to by stopping by your blog regularly then!

  • anna

    Way COOL!

  • Camgal

    Nice. Thank you for visiting my blog as well 🙂 I hope to come here often 🙂

    • iGameMom

      Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, and hope you have found some apps you likes. Yes, please come back and visit more!

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