I had always enjoyed visual perception and illusion games. After my research on the relationship between STEM career success and spatial reasoning skills, I realized visual perception is essential for spatial reasoning, which is a higher-order thinking skill, thus I started looking for exercises that can improve visual perception skills. Recently I saw one on social media that not only requires visual perception skill but also out-of-box thinking, as well as some geometry. Since it is very interesting and easy… Read more

Computer coding involves many different knowledge and skills. Have you ever tried color mixing with coding with kids? On computers, a very common color coding system is the RGB color model. According to wikipedia, “the RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green… Read more

Origami is a fun activity for kids of all ages. Today we share the easiest yet fun paper project – paper parachute. We used this project for our egg drop project with paper only, but the parachute can be used for many other activities too. Because it only requires paper, and some glue or tape, its low preparation, and few required materials make it an easy STEM project for kids of all ages. Depends on the kids’ age, parents and… Read more

YouTube videos are a huge learning resource for kids these days. Let’s add to that resource list with a new batch of human circulatory system YouTube science videos. These should help your students learn everything they need to know about the circulatory system. Are you ready? Let’s get those hearts pumping to learn everything possible about the incredible human circulatory system. Human Circulatory System YouTube Science Videos for Kids Bill Nye the Science Guy Blood and CirculationThrough actions and examples… Read more

We have introduced two sets of fun science YouTube Channels for kids, one is for hands-on science experiments you can do at home, one is cool science ideas and experiments that will intrigue more curiosities. Today we share some cool math YouTube channels for kids. Today’s list is for school age kids. If you have a preschoolers, you may want to check out the list of Math YouTube Channels for Preschool Children. 9 Math YouTube Channels for school age Kids… Read more

YouTube has become a good source of educational materials. If you like watching science videos, you will love these YouTube channels of amazing science videos for kids. We shared 6 YouTube Channels for Hands-on Science Experiments You Can Do at Home. Today we share YouTube channels of fun science facts, explanations, and news. 15 YouTube Science Video Channels Explaining Science for Kids Bill Nye: although the channel has not been updated for a couple of years, the content already there is… Read more

Many parents are concerned about summer slide. With the long summer, if kids don’t touch academic subjects the whole summer, they may forget many they learned during the school year. Since 4th of July is a big holiday during summer, I am putting together some fun July 4th themed math printable worksheets for kids from preschool, to kindergarten to grade 5. All are free, and all you need is to print them out. Free Fourth of July Math Worksheets for… Read more

Thinking from a different perspective is a critical thinking skill that is essential for kids to learn computer coding. In fact, it is essential to many jobs. There are many ways to help kids develop the skill. Today we share a coding game we developed that can get you started on training kids the critical skill of thinking from a different perspective. Today’s game is an extension of the Hot Dog Coding Game. The story behind the game is the… Read more

When it starts to get warm, it is time to move the learning outside. There are so many misconceptions that apps are just for indoor learning. In fact, many apps are designed to invite kids going out, explore and learn everything about the wonderful nature. Today we share wonderful apps for outdoor science exploration. Your backyard is a nature outdoor education lab, these apps will make your outdoor time not only fun, but also educational. 9 Apps Making Outdoor Science… Read more

Ordered pairs and the coordinate plane is an important foundation for so many higher-level math studies. It lays the groundwork for many topics in geometry and algebra, such as the Pythagorean theorem, the distance between two points, and slopes of linear functions. It also helps kids understand the coding game we designed. It is a math area that seems easy but takes practice to be good at. This LEGO movie coordinate plane game gives kids a hands-on opportunity to practice… Read more

We love YouTube science videos for kids. They make it easier to understand the hard science concepts. Not all science videos are great, so I listed out the good one I came across, like these YouTube Science Channels for Kids. In this post, I list some great science videos about human body systems, anatomy and physiology. I separate them by target age groups. Human Body Science Video for Kids Age 5 to 10 Human Body Anatomy: with the help of… Read more

I have introduced several apps teaching kids computer language and coding, including some free apps. Each app has pros and cons, and each app has its target users. Today I have another free coding app teaching kids coding. It is called Daisy the Dinosaur. It is designed by the same developer of Hopscotch, which is also a free app teaching kids coding. What are the differences between Daisy the Dinosaur and Hopscotch? First they both are very intuitive to use… Read more

We posted a math YouTube channel list for school age kids. Today we share math channels for preschool and kindergarten kids. Most educational resources for younger kids don’t separate different subjects, so there are few channels for younger kids just focus on math, instead, these are educational YouTube channels for young children with extensive math contents. Fun Math YouTube Channels for Preschool Kindergarten Kids Childcare Land is a great early learning resource. There is a section of preschool math, all… Read more

Do you like birds? I do. I love to listen to birds singing and watch them fly or play around in the park or in the backyard. They add colors and music to our life. They make wherever they are a better place to live. They are so many things we can learn about birds, here are apps and websites for bird identification. Most are for North America, some also have information for the UK. With them, you can identify… Read more

These free STEM websites are wonderful resources for teachers, homeschool parents, and parents who like to supplement STEM activities to kids’ regular school work. What is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. However, it is not just including these 4 subjects into teaching curriculum. It is more important to teach thinking and problem-solving skills throughout the process. Most STEM teaching is project-based that integrate more than one subjects, because that is how real-world work is. It is… Read more
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