Do you get a lot of snow in winter? We usually get a good size of snow several times each winter. I like to encourage kids to go out even when it is cold. I also like science and STEM learning activities. So I collected many interesting snow science experiment ideas and I hope you will like them too. Since we are all busy, so I make sure all experiments are easy with minimal preparation needed. For those who don’t have snow, I have a snowflake activity for you that doesn’t require any real snow. Enjoy!
Fun Snow Science Experiments for Kids
How clean is snow: collect snow from different locations, such as the side of a driveway, back of the house, and put in containers at room temperature to let them melt. Hypothesize which location’s snow is the cleanest, and observe the sediment or particles in each container after snow melts.
Compare density of snow with water and ice: do you know snow is composed of snowflakes and air? So the density depends on how much air it contains. Follow the link for detailed experiment instruction.
RELATED: 10 Cold Science Experiments Kids Love
Check Snow Temperature: Have you checked the temperature of snow? It is a good ideas to bring snow inside and track the temperature change.
Learn hypothesis and observation: bringing snow inside, and hypothesize where inside the house the snow melts the fastest. Make sure to measure the same amount of snow for each location. For detailed instruction, see prediction and observation with snow.
Learn state of water: after snow melted, put the water in a pot and boil the water. Point out the 3 states of water to kids, while observing the status change.
How colors travel through snow: this is a really interesting question and find out for yourself.
Color mixing with snow: drip food colors into different parts of snow and then mix snow of different colors, see how do the colors change.
RELATED: 9 Christmas Science Activities for Kids
Snowflake investigation: Take kids outside with a dark sheet of paper and a magnify glass, and observe what a single snowflake looks like. For a better observation experience, you can follow the snowflake investigation tips and guide.
Animal Track Scavenger Hunt: Go out on a snow day, see if you can find any animal tracks on the snow. Follow the instructions and compare the tracks you see to pictures you can find. Any one you can recognize?
Make snowflakes and learn symmetry: after observing real snowflake, you and kids can design and create your own with the help of snowflake free app, and then move the design onto real paper. Explain and ask kids to pay close attention when they unfold the paper snowflake, and observe the symmetric effect.
Hope you get some snow!
Looking for more science activities for kids? Check out 200 Winter Science Activities for Kids
You may also like Winter Math Activities for Kids and 150 STEM Activities to Do in the Kitchen.
Love the idea of constructive outdoor play.
Thanks Suzanne. We love these fun activities too.
This is awesome…love the ideas and they will be so much fun!
I think my son would really like this.
it helps kids learn too.
I love how they are educational with all the different options!
Love snow!
I like that it for educational purposes