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Bag It – turning an ordinary activity into a learning game

Bag It – turning an ordinary activity into a learning game post image

Bag It is a puzzle game that turns bagging groceries into a challenge.  To win the game, you need to have a very good sense of space and relative weights of different items.

In the game, you take groceries off a conveyor belt and put them into a brown paper bag.  By tapping the objects, you can rotate each item to fit into the bag better and not to crush anything. The objective is to place all the groceries that pass along the conveyer belt into the grocery bag.

You earn points, stars, and medals for completing various challenges, such as bagging certain items together or not breaking anything.  You can retry levels to earn the complete set of three stars and two medals of each level.

While bagging the groceries, you want to follow the basic rules, such as placing heavy items at the bottom and light, soft items on the top.  Sometimes, you will have additional rules.  For example, grouping several of the same items together, or putting orange juice next to milk.  These extras make the game more competitive, and of course will earn you more bonus points.  There are over 60 levels, each with 3 stars and 2 medals.

There are In-App Purchases to help unlock the levels, but you don’t need them to play the full game.  If you worry about kids accidentally buy the In-App Purchases, you should disable the In-App Purchase.  Here is How.

What Kids Can Learn:

While arranging groceries in the bag, kids can learn the weight of different items and the impact of the gravity force.  They will also learn problem-solving and setting different strategies to achieve different goals.

How Parents Can Help:

Parents can show the real groceries to the kids and maybe weight them together to see how different items weigh differently.  Together, you can guess the weights of different items and use a scale to check your predictions.

Parents can also talk about the space each object takes, and how to arrange things to save space.  You can ask the kids help bag the groceries in real life, letting them experiment different arrangements, so kids can have some first-hand experience.  This can go beyond groceries.  Packing the school bag, lunch box, or suitcase for vacation, all will help them learn spaces and weights of different objects.

iGameMom Comments:

Bag It! is a great puzzle game that anyone can enjoy.  Although everyone can play and have fun, kids 6-year-old or younger may not be able to get the weight and gravity concepts.  Bag It! turns an ordinary everyday life activity into a fun, challenging learning game.   Maybe you will get your child interested in helping grocery shopping too.

It works on iPhone, iPod, and iPAD.  It is $2.99 at App Store.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
Bag It!

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{ 11 comments… add one }
  • Sam

    Why is this no longer available on Google play store? I used to play it all the time when I was younger and I just remembered it and wanted to download again. I’ve gotten on an Android device before, so why can’t I anymore?

  • Sounds like a fun game for the kiddos!

    • iGameMom

      It is actually fun for me too. You should try it yourself…

  • Amy Reese

    I think kids may enjoy this one because of its practical implications. Kids can see you do it! I would hope that they would be more interested in shopping and groceries, like you suggested. It sounds like a fun one. Thanks!

    • iGameMom

      My son likes it, so does everyone in the house. 😉 It is fun for all ages.

  • These games are getting so inventive, I love it. We are just starting to get into Apps, but I am still trying to figure out how much time to to designate to it. Thanks so much!

    • iGameMom

      As long as it is educational, I treat it the same as board games. Since it is on a screen, I want to make sure my son takes breaks after about 30min, but usually it becomes near 1 hour 🙂 before the break.

  • Such a cool site. Oster is a little young now, but I started an APP list for him so when he’s older we’ll see what is relevant for him. Thanks so much for all of the research you do.

    • iGameMom

      What a good idea. I wish I was as good a planner as you. Thanks for your support.

  • Why thank you so much for ‘liking’ my blog post! Wasn’t sure if anyone would find me since I’ve just begun — I’m glad you did! Really cool stuff you have here. I’m enjoying looking around. 🙂

    • iGameMom

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. Please visit more!

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