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Biography Comics Book App for Kids

Biography Comics

My son is a good reader. The only problem is he only likes to read mystery or fantasy types. I had been trying to get him read biographies, but he never showed any interest. Amazingly, once he found the Who? Comics and started reading, he could not put it down.
biography comic app for kids
Who? Comics is an educational comic book app intended for kids 8 and older. The series includes 29 biographies: Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton, Steven Spielberg, Joanne Rowling, Barack Obama, Warren Buffett, Stephen Hawking, Nelson Mandela, Jane Goodall, … The App is just a plain book app. You tap the page, the page will turn. There is no sound or interactive features while you read. What make the child stick to it are the kids appropriate story lines and drawing. The funny cartoon expressions on the characters’ faces and how they react to things all adds to the story. Comparing to a lot other biography books that just state the facts, these are interesting stories.

The initial download of the app is free. Two books come with the app as free: Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates. The price for each additional book is $5 with in-app purchase, but sets can be purchased at a large discount. For example, you can get the six books in the Artist/Entertainers set for $15. If you want to get the whole set, it is only $30 for all 29 books. It is for iPAD only.

iGameMom Comment:

If you are looking for biography books for your kids, this is the one that your child will really want to read. The initial download with two books is free, why not give it a try?

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the link provided. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support!
Biography Comics - who? 29 Great Figures - podotree, inc.

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