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Help Kids on Social and Emotional Development – iLearn with Poko

Emotions Feelings Colors iLearn with Poko App

Social and emotional development is a skill children start developing right out of the womb. Whether it is the gaze into a parent’s eyes or being sang to while getting a diaper changed social-emotional development surrounds all of us. As children grow they begin to become aware that their emotions have names. iLearn with Poko: Emotions and Colors is a great tool to help preschoolers through school age recognize certain emotions and how they are used in our day-to-day life. This app also has a color section that encourages visual art development. Developing a child’s artistic skills helps with the social-emotional development children go through. The arts help children be creative and expressive, which provides an outlet for expressing emotions. Help kids on social emotional development - iLearn with Poko

iLearnWith Poko: Emotions and Colors is a two part app that focuses on social-emotional development and the visual arts. The social-emotional skills are developed and explored through short video clips. After watching the video, kids answer the question “How does Bobo feel” by dragging the appropriate monkey face showing the right emotion into the empty space. There are three levels your child can choose from. The first level includes basic emotions, such as happy, sad, angry, and scared. The second level is slightly more advanced offering emotions like frustrated, proud, thrilled, worried, loving, disappointed, and surprised. The third level has your child match the emotions with all the characters in the story (not just one) and asks for a solution to help make all the characters feel good. At the end of each round your child earns a gift that is stored in the app’s treasure box.

The colors game in this app gives a sample picture for the kids to look at as references. This is a great game to help with color recognition. Not just primary colors but what colors need to be mixed together in order to make other colors. In the game kids must place colors on the drawing in a way that matches the sample drawing given. Again there are three differing levels.  The first has the basic primary colors. The second level requires the child to mix colors to get secondary colors in order to correctly color the drawings. And the third level adds white into the mix and allows for even more colors to be created in order to match the given drawing. Just like the emotion games, there is a gift earned at the end of each round that collects into the treasure box for use in other free apps.

There is a parent zone that helps to track each child’s progress, how many levels have been completed and statistics on the answers your child has chosen. This is a great way to follow along and provide positive feedback to the skills your child is developing while playing this game.

Daisy’s comment:

My favorite part of this app is that it provides a fun and interactive way to learn emotions. Instead of just seeing a sad facing and teaching that is what sad looks like, it gives stories to help children identify with that emotion. I also love that the coloring game allows children to mix the colors to get what they need.

Overall this app offers a great developmental tool for parents to utilize and engage with their child while they learn more about labeling emotions and colors. I recommend watching the short emotional clips with your child. Then talk about a real scenario in their life and help them to name the emotions he or she felt. This can be a great way to take iPad gaming and apply it to your child’s immediate surroundings.

iLearn with Poko: Emotions and Colors is available for iPhone, iPod and iPAD. It is FREE to download with sample games. The full package is available with In-App Purchase at $2.99 on App Store.
If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
Emotions, Feelings and Colors! Educational games for kids in Preschool and Kindergarten - Tribal Nova

Daisy SimpsonToday’s app is reviewed by Daisy Simpson. Daisy is a proud mom to an active toddler and works part-time in a hospital where she utilizes technology in her work with helping kids cope in the medical setting. Her family loves being outdoors experiencing all Minnesota has to offer.


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{ 11 comments… add one }
  • At first glance at the post I thought this might be a useful tool for my friends child, who is autistic and learning social skills is a struggle. However I think it’s pitched as a little too young for a 6 year old, even with learning difficulties, to be happy to play with dignity.
    Definitely a good idea for helping children with difficulties though. I wonder if there are more ‘mature’ games out there.

  • This sounds perfect for my son. Downloaded!

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