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iLiveGrammar Combines Grammar and Science in One App

iLiveGrammar App Series

iLiveGrammar is a grammar app, and it is also a science app. It teaches kids grammar with science content, combining grammar and science in one app. There are 3 apps in the series currently: Botany, Autumn, Winter. Each app has 4 lessons, and all lessons are based on a science topic.

When open the app, kids will see 4 lessons on the top: Nouns and Verbs; Adjectives and Adverbs; Article, Noun, Conjunctions, and Prepositions; and the last lesson is Review. They can pick any lesson. App combining grammar and science

Each lesson is comprised with beautiful pictures related with the science topic. For each picture, there is a sentence about the picture. Kids are asked to pick the role of the highlighted word in the sentence. For example, in the app Botany, I saw a picture of water lilies, and the sentence “The water lily needs carbon dioxide” with water lily highlighted in yellow. Kids are expected to tap the yellow button “Pick the job of the word” and pick “noun”. For most pictures, there are also videos associated with the topic. If kids tap on the little TV symbol, they will be connected to a short YouTube video show some examples of the subjects.

After kids finish a session, they can see how many questions they answered correctly at the top of the screen. If they tap on the score button, they will open a detailed report, which has all the questions and their answers. If they want to, they can email the report to themselves or the teachers.

iGameMom Comments:

I like the apps connecting science and reading. Kids learn grammar and science at the same time. It is a great way to motivate kids to study a subject they would otherwise have little interest in learning. The beautiful pictures and interesting videos will sure spark more interest in going through the lessons too.

iLiveGrammar app series are available on iPhone, iPod, and iPad. They are $4.99 each. The links below are in the order of Botany, Autumn and Winter.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
iLiveGrammar Botany iLiveGrammar autumn iLiveGrammar Winter

Looking for more grammar resources for kids, check out Free: Improve English Grammar with Road to Grammar.  Free English Grammar Practice Website

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