An important early math learning element is the number sense: to truly understand the meaning of numbers beyond those written on paper. Today we have a wonderful app Native Numbers to help kids gain the real sense of numbers. It is a well-designed curriculum for kids age 4 to 7. It is usually $10 on App Store, it is free today.
There are 5 units in the app: Number concepts, Number Relations, Number Ordering, Counting, Demonstrate Mastery. Each Unit has 5 blocks, and each is more advanced than the previous one. Kids have to pass one block to unlock the next.
I like the sequence of the progress to build number sense for children. For the first unit, kids start with rods representing numbers; and the next block adding cards with little figures like fish, robot on them, and kids learn about numbers by number of objects on the cards; then kids will be asked to match rods with cards of the same numbers; then in the next block, kids see number symbols and learn to recognize the symbols; the last block in the unit is to match among rods, cards and symbols.
When kids pass the first unit, they unlock the next unit Number Relations.
Here are the core concepts and skills kids will have after they finish the app:
– Number Representations: Identify the numbers 1-9 as continuous quantities (rods), discrete quantities (sets of animals), and symbols (numerals)
– Number Relations: Answer questions about number relationships using a variety of visual representations and vocabulary (greater/less, bigger/smaller, heavier/lighter, etc.)
– Ordering: Arrange numbers in order from small to big and big to small
– Counting: Use numbers to put a set of objects in order (ordinal numbers) and to determine how many objects are in a set (cardinal numbers)
– Demonstrate Mastery: Apply concepts from previous activities to novel, untrained examples
Native Numbers is a great math app to build a real sense of numbers among young children, which is the foundation of any future math learning. I highly recommend the app for any kids age 4 to 7, even with the full price.
Native Numbers is available on iPad. It is $9.99 on App Store.
If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
For more math app ideas, please visit our 45 fun math game apps grouped by age and learning objectives.