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Wonderful app for Kids to Learn the Human Body

The Human Body

‘She’s a beauty!’ passed through my mind as we slid through the Human Body Anatomy App by Tinybop. What a gorgeous learning tool, especially for a first effort from this new Brooklyn based development company. There were a few glitches, but overall, this company will be worth paying attention to. This creatively sophisticated (and stylish) app allows children and adults alike to marvel in our understanding of the human body without being too scary or too over/underwhelming.
Beautiful app of human body for kids to learn human anatomy with interactive 3D photography. Explore the 8 systems and organs facts with open ended activities. Preschool kindergarten to grade 12.
Your child can create their own ‘gravatar’ of sorts that looks like the outline of a young boy or girl then choose which systems they’d like to layer into the outline to look at a little more closely.  The nervous, skeletal, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and muscular systems are all represented and the individual parts that make up the whole can be viewed with or without their identifying labels. The user can get a little closer to various parts of each system to reveal its inner workings. What does exactly happen inside your nose, ear canal or veins?

The app is also full of surprises to keep the user engaged, like where does the food you eat go?  What happens to your nervous system when a mosquito bites you?  Or our favorite—if the app is allowed access to your iPad’s photo library, when you touch a part of the brain responsible for memory, a favorite photo will display overhead in a way that is almost as eerie and mysterious as the brain function itself.  I don’t want to give away any more, the beauty of this app lies in its navigational surprises, these discoveries are some of the app’s defining features.

Parental involvement (and their strict privacy policy) via the app itself and printable Handbook (love love love off screen components), give this app an extra star.  If the parent sets up their own ‘gravatar’ they can follow the progress of their child’s interaction with the app. If your child has a question about something, they can touch and hold any spot on the screen and record their voice to ask a question. This question will show up in the parent’s ‘gravatar’ area and allows them to respond by recording their own voice. The child will find the answer the next time they come to use the app. It’s very Jetsons (if I may date myself).

Enjoy this app, it’s a real pleasure to experience the first of their Explorer’s Series. We look forward to more from Tinybop.

The Human Body by Tinybop works on iPhone, iPod and iPAD.  It is $2.99 on App Store.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
The Human Body by Tinybop

If you are looking for more apps for kids about Human Body, check out 10 Apps for Kids to Learn about Human Body.
fun apps about human body for kids

{ 20 comments… add one }
  • Sig

    My 5 and 3 year old love this app. The camera turns on and flips the image for the eye and the mic turns on for the ear. You can also feed yourself and watch the food navigate as well as tickle the body to learn about nerve endings.

    Great app for preschoolers and kindergarten but has no words or facts being spoken. Great for younger children who are just learning about their bodies but older kids may get bored quickly.

    • Glad you like it. My 11 year-old still playing with it and we discover something new every time going back to it. This is just the beauty of the app, it is full of surprises, but this does require spending a little longer on the app each time. I also realized while we play together, it is a great app for us to talk about human body that I’d like my boy know – in this sense, it is perfect there is no word in the app, so I can talk with him whatever I think is appropriate. 🙂

    • Elizabeth

      I have a feeling Tinybop will come up with a clever way to be sure their Explorer Series will be user friendly to the preschool set and challenging for the older child. In the meantime, one of our favorite features is to turn on the labels. If you touch each label it will fall to the bottom of the screen, then it becomes a game or quiz to put the label back in its correct place. It’s hard for me!

      • Sig

        I did not realize there were labels in the game. Thanks for the tip!

        • Elizabeth

          They are tricky to find…let me know if you need some guidance!

  • Tauna

    Can’t wait to try this! My daughter will especially love it. Thanks!

    • You will love it. There are so many details they built in, that are just fun.

    • Elizabeth

      It is really a beautiful App! Enjoy it.

  • Karyn

    Ooh!! I am excited about this one!

    • We are too. It is hard to put it down, since every time you find something new.

    • Elizabeth

      Yes ! It’s a fabulous learning tool…and so easy on the eyes!

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