Apple published their pick of the best apps of year 2015. There are many great apps published this year. I went through Apple’s top apps, picked those that are educational and appropriate for kids. It is such a delight to go over these apps. Having been reviewing apps for year, it is exciting to see how the app industry has evolved overtime, and how educators are utilizing new technology in making learning fun and engaging. Here are the top educational apps of year 2015.
The Robot Factory by Tinybop: build and test thousands of different robots from 100 parts. Kids can make any robot they can imagine! Robot cats, robot samurais, robot spies …
LiquidText PDF and Document Reader: offers gesture based reading and annotation for documents (PDF, DOC, PPT, web pages). Users can read in ways not possible on paper. LiquidText gives you the tools to focus on what matters, compare distant sections, take notes, build upon thoughts, and pull out key facts from the text. It is a tool help you think while reading.
Complete Anatomy by 3D4Medical: the free download offers users the experience of rich graphics of the 3D skeleton and connective tissue layers. If you register, you can unlock cloud-based additional features, including tailored content and free updates directly to your device.
Loopimal: a fun musical app that kids can create and play.
Earth Primer: interactive science book for kids that kids learn about earth hands-on, like creating volcanoes, sculpt mountains.
DNA Play: who would thought that a preschooler can learn about DNA? With this app, they actually can. Fun game based learning is the best.
Playground Physics: record a video of a performance, tap points along the video to trace a path of motion, examine your performance closely with slow-motion playback and scrubbing video controls, … Sounds interesting? There are more in the app, and check it out for yourself.
Metamorphabet: a playful, interactive alphabet app for all ages. Poke, prod, drag, and spin each of the 26 letters of the alphabet to reveal surprising and luminous transformations.
Looking for more educational apps for kids? Check out our collection of Best Educational Apps for Kids that Grouped by Age and Subject