Not many of us will be able to actually go to the rainforest to explore the wild animals, so this app, WilderQuest is a wonderful tool for kids to experience the nature and learn about wild life. It makes you feel you are really there, letting you explore on your own. It is a free app from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service from Australia. If you don’t have a mobile device, you can play with it on the website on your computer too.
When you start the app, you can play as guest, or sign up for a free account. It is a good idea to have an account, so kids can keep track of their discoveries over time.
There are currently 2 locations for exploration: rainforest and coast. It is planned to add more locations and animals into the app. When I checked the website version, it looks like there are more locations on the website, like woodland, desert.
Kids can pick any of the available location to play. Once they pick the location, they will be taken to the nature. They do need space to be able to move around, as they will be holding the iPad as they are going to take pictures, and what they see on the iPad screen as they move will just like they are walking around in the real nature world. Especially with the sound effect, you can really feel you are in the rainforest.
While kids walk and turning around hold the iPad, they are asked to take pictures of wild animals whenever they see one. They can zoom in and out the camera to get better views. If they take 3 pictures of the same animals, they unlock information for that animal. They can then read the information about the animals, see different pictures of the animal, and videos with more information, such as food, location map.
Currently there are 16 different animals to discover in the app, but more on the website. There are plans to add more animals into the app.
It is a fun app for kids to explore the nature and learn about wild animal. Although it is Australia specific app, it is still fun for kids around the world to explore the app and have fun.
WilderQuest is available on iPad. It is Free.
If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.
For more free nature and wild animal apps, check out this free app from WWF.