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Farfaria – A Traveling Book Library for Kids

Well. This is one epic app. Essentially, it is a library with access to over 400 stories for children in the 2-9 age range. That covers quite a bit of territory doesn’t it? It is one of the first apps I’ve seen designed to expand with children as they grow and change. This is an app that could very easily become a part of the family and a wonderful traveling library for kids and the family.  Traveling Book Library for Kids - Free Farfaria Book App

Farfaria organizes its material onto a map of the Farfaria world. The categories appeal to kids and adults alike, with titles like Adventure Island, Fairy Tale Falls, and BedTime Bluffs. There’s even a Sing Along City with nursery rhymes and bedtime songs. Some stories are represented in more than one category, which aids kids in finding what they’re looking for quickly. Peter Pan can be found in Classics Grove, but he can also be spotted on Adventure Island. Farfaria - traveling library for kids

The content is so exhaustive, it really is like a traveling library at your finger tips. With classics like Peter Rabbit, new stories and series, and science textbook reads about dinosaurs and animals in Australia, there is just no way anyone in the family can come away without learning something. Farfaria App - traveling library for kids

The app is free to download, which gives access to all its titles and one story a day to enjoy free of charge. That’s all there is to it. A $3.99 monthly subscription allows access to unlimited stories, a feature worth considering as in addition to the 400 stories already in the app, they add a new one every day. Plus with a subscription, favorite stories can be downloaded for offline reading.

The stories themselves are easy to read and simple to navigate without the bells and whistles of some other story book apps, that while loads of fun, can sometimes distract kids from the story at hand. They’re marked with a reading level of 1-4 so as kids learn to read on their own parents can help them navigate what level may suit them best. There is also the option to read the story yourself, have it read aloud or have it on autoplay which reads it aloud and also turns the pages. Farfaria book app - traveling library for kids

As a huge fan of educational apps the feature that stands out the most is the ability to turn off the reader. In an increasingly busy digital age we have strict rules in our house about how much screen time our 3 year old gets alone. It’s only about 30-45 mins a day. When we travel the rules are a little different, so the auto play is a nice option on an airplane with headphones. It’s a thrilling idea to have him engrossed in the story of Peter Pan rather than in a game. A traveling library is a mom’s dream come true. But to turn off the reader function allows us to choose a story to read aloud together as a family, truly a wonderful thing.

Give it a try. It fits seamlessly into all types of family dynamics…and the best thing in the world you can do for your kids is to get them to read.

If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.

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Elizabeth WolfToday’s app is reviewed by Elizabeth Wolf. Elizabeth blogs about parenting, culture and travel at LeMaisonLoup.com. You can also find her on Twitter @WolfBetty

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