Have you children struggled with sounding out words during reading? They see a word, but they don’t know how to read it out loud. When a teacher or a parent is with the child, the adult can help. But it is impossible to have someone sit with the child all the time during reading. Isn’t it nice if there is a program that can help the kids sound out the words when no one else can help?
Sounding out machine is an app designed by a teacher to help kids sound out the words. There are 3 options for kids to choose the word.
The very interesting option is to take a picture of the page kids are reading. Then kids can use a box to isolate the word they need help. Then they can type in the word letter by letter, before the app sounds out the word for them. With this option, kids can also take a picture of an image, like the cover of a book, or a street sign, or a poster, that has a word they need help with. The app doesn’t read the word from the picture. The picture and the isolating box just make it easier for kids to see the word and spell the word, then type the word. This is helpful for young children who are not quite efficient in typing words. it is also helpful for kids who feel overwhelmed by the many words on one page.
Another option is for kids to type in the word directly. This is a more direct way to input the word. For younger children, parents or teachers can take pictures of words and save them in the device photo library. Kids can choose the words from the photo libraries.
There are about 80000 words included in the app dictionary right now. Once kids put in the word, the app will go through the word by thunks to show kids how to sound it out. Kids have option to set the “chunk” unit as syllable, or as letter.
If you sign up with an email address, you can receive a list of words kids are working on via email.
If you have children working on sounding out words, you should try this app. Sounding Out Machine is available on iPad. It is $3.99 on App Store.
If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store button provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: the button works for all countries.
For more learning resources for early literacy, please visit Best Learning Tools for Kids to Learn Sight Words and Best Phonics Learning Tools for Kids.