To supplement our flower science activities for kids, today we share fun science YouTube videos about life cycle of flowering plants. Since it usually takes longer to observe the plant life cycle, for preschool children, you can start with the life cycle of a flower, which includes: buds open, flowers bloom, pollination, seeds are made, flowers die, seeds fall, and finally new plants form and new flower buds form. Before you start planting your own flowers, you can watch these YouTube videos with kids.
6 YouTube Science Videos About Life Cycle of a Flower for Preschool Kids
Sunflower life cycle is an easy science video for young childre. Since it is quick and easy to grow sunflowers out of seeds, sunflowers are usually first choice for teaching young children about life cycle of flowering plants. The video is short and all the illustration is made out of paper cut out, so it is fun to watch for everyone.
The life cycle of flower is another good start video for young children to learn how the flowers are formed, starting from seed. It is shown with drawing and very short, with no fancy concepts to grasp. A perfect introduction of plant life cycle to preschool children.
Life cycle of a flower: I like how the video is made with paper crafts. After watching the video you can make some flower crafts too.
From a seed to a flower: similar to last one, but this one is made of play dough. Another cute craft idea after watching the YouTube video.
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle: a beautiful book accompanied by narration and music. It gives kids a good view of how flowers fit into a plant’s life cycle.
Learn about plant life cycle: has a very good explanation of pollination.
Another plant life cycle video shows the role of flowers in plants’ life.
Life cycle of apple tree: it is good for kids to see that some trees also have flowers, especially it is the kind that grow fruits they eat all the time.
Now that you’ve watched videos about flowers, you are ready to do some fun amazing flower science experiments with kids.
For more flower themed activities, visit our collection of flower activities for kids, including science, math, crafts.