We have been using Explain Everything as a digital storytelling tool for a while. I really like it for its flexible features that allowing us to use it for different projects. Explain Everything is designed to be a screencast, interactive whiteboard, and presentation tool for iPad and Android that allows users to record audio and video, annotate with drawings and shapes, and animate objects all at the same time. Projects can be played back and edited within the app or exported as videos, images, PDF documents. With so many different functions and features, we can use it for many different purposes: Teachers can create courses with it, students can create project journal and project reports, kids can use it as storytelling tool.
Here are some key features I found very helpful:
1. Users can use different types of materials and methods to illustrate the ideas.
You can use images, drawing, text, video, audio, music, narration, web site, document such as PDF files, spreadsheet, or PowerPoint.
You can pick a page from a website, and draw, write, or make mark on it, while talking. The app will record everything, the website screen shot, your annotations on the screen and your voice.
2. Users can edit most files with maximum flexibility.
For example, you can crop out certain part of a big picture, say a ball or a boy in a picture of several kids playing soccer. This makes storytelling a lot easier and more fun. Kids can cut out certain figures from their favorite story books, and retell the story with the characters and props they choose, instead of the whole page from the books. They can also use the pictures of their choice to create a new story.
You can annotate on almost everything, even videos.
Editing a finished project is easy. All you have to do is identify the spot you want to change on the project timeline, and pick the part you want to change.
3. The app works with many cloud based storage services.
To name a few: Dropbox, Google Drive, WebDAV, Sky Drive, YouTube, Vimeo, and more. You can import original files to use for your projects. Once the project is finished, you can export the final file to these services.
What can you do with Explain Everything
As I mentioned earlier, teachers can use it to create lessons, projects for the class. Kids can use it for project reports and storytelling. Business can use it for presentations. At home, so far, we have been using it for storytelling practices. It makes it a fun activity that kids would love to do.
Do you have some suggestions or have you used Explain Everything for a project? Please let us know.
Explain Everything is available for iPAD on App Store, and Android on Google Play. It is $2.99.
Looking for more storytelling apps? Here is a Free App: Animated Storytelling App for Kids If you would like to check it out or purchase it, please use the App Store link provided below. The cost is the same to you, but iGameMom gets a small percentage. Thanks for your support! Note: The link works for all countries.