We shared some cool color science experiments for kids, today we share some more science experiments for kids to learn about one of the senses via eyes: science experiments about light. These can be easily built into the Five Senses unit. There are many topics kids can learn about light. Today we share some ideas for kids to learn about prisms, light reflection, UV light, fluorescent light, phosphorescent light, and bioluminescence light.
Kids science experiments about light
Learn light reflection with some simple mirror activities.
Another way to learn about reflection is by this magic water reflection.
For kids interested in coding and circuit, this color mixing with light controlled by computer coding is fascinating.
I love this light box experiment. It is yet another way to show kids light reflection.
You can’t skip fireflies when you are learning about light. If you can find places to catch fireflies, go catch them and put them in a bottle. This light from firefly is called bioluminescence, the light produced by a chemical reaction that originates in the organism. Besides fireflies, it is mostly seen at the bottom of the ocean. To learn more about bioluminescence, check out the free app Creatures of Light. It shows fascinating videos and pictures of examples with interactive activities.
Does light have color? Let’s learn and experiment with prisms. Kids will be amazed to see the rainbow! For school age kids, this would be a good time to talk about wave length and color.
We all know light carries energy. How to show kids this concept? Ask kids stand under the sun, and then in the shade, do they feel warm in the sun? Additionally, this simple science experiment not only shows kids that light carries energy, but also shows what color absorbs more energy, white or black.
What can we see under UV light? This is a fun activity for kids of all ages. Kids learn about UV light and fluorescent light. Word of caution, it uses Black Light or UV light. I would not look into the light directly, and be careful not to use it for extended time period. You can read more about black light safety on Wikipedia.
RELATED: Light Science Experiment Kit
Do you know why leaves are green? The first part of this Fluorescent Chlorophyll experiment will tell you why. The 2nd part of this activity also uses black light, thus the same caution from last experiment.
Make a glow in the dark T-shirt with glowing paint. Kids will learn about phosphorescence. For kids, you can just tell them that phosphorescence light is different from fluorescent light. Fluorescent light needs black night to be on, while phosphorescent light doesn’t need the black light on. It just need be exposed to light before giving out its own light, and it last longer. Most glow-in-dark toys use phosphorescent light. For your own reference, you can find more about the difference between phosphorescence and fluorescence.
A really fun way for kids to learn about light with interactive activities is the app Bobo Explores Light. It covers many of the topics in the above activities and more, all are kids friendly and fun.
I hope you like these science experiments. Doing science at home is not just for fun, it is also to cultivate child’s interest in science and help them grow scientific thinking skills. Don’t just do it for fun, try follow scientific steps while working with kids on these activities. I outlined the steps and developed this Science Experiment Recording Sheet. I highly recommend following these steps for each activity, even with young children. They can draw pictures if they can’t write. It is the process that is important, starting with questions and hypothesis.
To expand the science activities for kids, you may like 45 Science Experiments to Explore the Five Senses, 7 Science Activities for Kids about Color and 10 Science Experiments for Kids about the Sun.