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15 Movies for Kids About Brothers and Sisters

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If you have more than one child, you know how it goes between siblings. We all heard many stories of sibling rivalry. However, no matter how many fights they have, they usually end up being each other’s best friends for life. Today we share some kids friendly movies about brothers and sisters, so kids and you can share the loving memory of sibling joys.

Family Movies about Brothers and Sisters

Sibling rivalry at home? Try these 15 kids movies about brothers and sisters, and enjoy a loving family night with a movie that even the youngest child can enjoy.
Sofia the First: Sofia became a princess overnight after her mom married the King of Enchansia. After they moved into the castle, she was met by step-brother James and step-sister Amber. Although the three started with an awkward relationship, Amber and James learned to accept Sofia and the new member of their family. You can find the show on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck: These triplets cause so much trouble for their Uncle Donald; it’s no wonder why he’s so moody! Uncle Donald is always trying to teach his nephews a lesson, but in the end, we all learn something from these three brothers. Found the movie on YouTube.

Lilo and Stitch: Two sisters are left to make it on their own after the death of their parents. But Nani discovers it isn’t easy to keep a job, run a household and take care of her younger sister, especially when Lilo attracts trouble faster than flowers attract bees. Find the movie on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

Phineas and Ferb: Phineas and Ferb are step brothers. The two boys plus Candace have the craziest sibling relationship. Candace is always trying to prove that Phineas and Ferb are up to something (which they usually are) and Phineas and Ferb are as cool as a cucumber. In the end, they always find out that family is always number 1. Find the show on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

Frozen: a fairy tale about overcoming obstacles and the power of true love. Princesses Anna and Elsa are sisters and the closest friends until one day Elsa discovers that she can no longer control her power to create ice and snow. She isolates herself to stop the potential harm to her sister and others. Anna goes in the snowy mountain to bring Else back home. In the end, both realize that the best way to save themselves and everyone is to embrace the special gifts and feelings they have. It is on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

Good Luck Charlie: There are always something going on among P.J., Teddy, Gabe, Charlie, the Duncan kids. It is fun and interesting to watch they navigate their life in college, high school, preschool, and day care. check it out on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

Parent Trap: two twin sisters did not know the other one existed till they met at a summer camp. They then planned a scheme to bring their divorced parents together. Get it from Amazon, iTunes.

Sound of Music: one of my all time favorite movie. It is based on the true story of the Trapp family escaping from the Nazis in Austria. After so many years, its touching story and memorable music continue to thrive through generations after generations. Besides Maria and the captain, the children in the story left great impression too. It is a must see movie for anyone. Find it on Amazon, iTunes.

Spy Kids: Carmen and Juni Cortez are two kids of former spies. When their parents are captured, the brother and sister bravely crisscross the globe in a thrilling quest to finish the mission and keep the family together. Find it on Amazon, Netflix, iTunes.

The Incredibles: Violet and Dash just wanted to be normal kids, but we soon learned that these two siblings had superpowers like no other. Together, they helped fight off evil villains and bring back their superhero parents to their former glory. Find it on Amazon, iTunes.

Hocus Pocus: Winifred, Mary and Sarah are three sisters who are also witches. They are the talk of the town when these three come back from the dead more wicked, sexier and hungrier! You can get the movie on Amazon, iTunes.

The Blind Side: Michael Oher and S.J. Tuohy don’t look anything alike. Michael is tall, black and muscular. S.J. is short, blond and puny by comparison. But the two of them become brothers after Michael is taken into the Tuohy’s home. Their relationship proves that being a sibling is as much about love as it is about blood. It is a heartwarming movie based on a true story. Get it on Amazon, iTunes.

Jurassic World: in addition to the thrill experience of witnessing actual dinosaurs, this movie also tells the story of relationships between siblings. Gray and Zach gain a greater appreciation for one another, as do Claire and her sister Karen. Get it on Amazon, iTunes.

Little Women: this 1994 film adaptation of the classic novel is about 4 sisters living alone with their mother while their father is away fighting in the Civil War. As the years pass, the sisters share some of the most cherished and painful memories of self-discovery, and go through issues of independence, romance and virtue. Get it on Amazon, iTunes.

Race to Witch Mountain: Sara and Seth are siblings that possess supernatural powers and they are trying to get home. While they look like average kids, they are actually aliens who need to get to Witch Mountain in order to return to their planet. Get it on Amazon, iTunes.

Do you have movie about siblings to recommend?

For more movie ideas, check out 18 Movies to Build Resilience in Kids, 7 Family Movies Teaching Kids Family Values, and 10 Movies for Kids about Real Scientists.
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